

Sciatica, what is it and what causes it?

Sciatica, what is it and what causes it?

If you ‘Google’ sciatica which the chances are you already have, the definition of sciatica is described as; pain affecting the back, hip and outer side of the leg, caused by compression of a spinal nerve root in the lower back, often owing to degeneration of an inter...

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Osteoarthritis (OA)

Osteoarthritis (OA)

Osteoarthritis is a joint condition that is extremely common affecting over 4 million people in the UK alone and costs the NHS annually £850 million in hip and knee replacements, loss of work due to the condition is estimated to be over £3.2 billion per year....

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What causes my headaches and neck pain?

What causes my headaches and neck pain?

There are a large number of different types of headaches and migraines and if you suffer from headaches or migraines this needs to be looked into properly so you can get the right help for the right type of headache or migraine that you are suffering from, having said...

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What is causing my shoulder pain?

What is causing my shoulder pain?

Generally with shoulders there are mainly 2 things that can go wrong, frozen shoulder/adhesive capsulitis or sub acromial impingement/impingement syndrome. The shoulder itself is described as a complex as it has 3 joint components to it and they have each have to be...

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Movement for Health